Source $50
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU Website for a year
Logo to appear on the bottom of all mass e-mails to SPJ-FIU members
Reporter $100
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU Website for a year
Logo to appear on the bottom of mass e-mails to SPJ-FIU members
We are willing to post about your company on our social media (3 posts a year)
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU Website for a year
Logo to appear on the bottom of all mass e-mails to SPJ-FIU members
We are willing to post about your company on our social media (6 posts a year)
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU banner on campus
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU Website for a year
Logo to appear on the bottom of mass e-mails to SPJ-FIU members
We are willing to post about your company on our social media ( 12 posts)
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU banner on campus
Flyers about your company will be distributed at our tabling events
Donations for our chapter are accepted.
Please refer to our contacts page to get more information.