Source $50
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU Website for a year
Logo to appear on the bottom of all mass e-mails to SPJ-FIU members
Reporter $100
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU Website for a year
Logo to appear on the bottom of mass e-mails to SPJ-FIU members
We are willing to post about your company on our social media (3 posts a year)
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU Website for a year
Logo to appear on the bottom of all mass e-mails to SPJ-FIU members
We are willing to post about your company on our social media (6 posts a year)
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU banner on campus
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU Website for a year
Logo to appear on the bottom of mass e-mails to SPJ-FIU members
We are willing to post about your company on our social media ( 12 posts)
Logo to appear on the SPJ-FIU banner on campus
Flyers about your company will be distributed at our tabling events